Saturday, January 31, 2009


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is an old one but it's pretty funny. This was taken in August. Right now it's like 20 degrees out with freezing rain and Rocket is curled up on a chair outside our bedroom. Poor kitty. She can't even go in the barn because of Ziggy. Hopefully she can have the barn tomorrow night!

Monday, January 26, 2009

How Lucky Am I?

It's 41 degrees outside and there is a 70 percent chance of rain. I have a big warm house and am curled up in bed next to my little one. How lucky am I? I don't have to go to work today (in fact, I have another month to spend exclusively with Jack!) and Charles is working from home so we can all have lunch together. There is nothing more precious than a chubby-cheeked sleeping baby!! I am about to take advantage of this sleepy time and actually read some of my book that I have been trying to get through for the last two months (Breaking Dawn, in case you're wondering). I wish I had a picture to post of Jack asleep in bed (since I'm with him, I have the blankets pulled up under his armpits and he looks extra cute) but I am not going to risk waking him up with the camera's flash so I'll have to post sleeping baby pictures later.

And speaking of lucky - it looks like Ziggy has a home (for real this time!) and I am going to start riding next week. Woohoo!! :) Cross your fingers for Ziggy, we are hoping he meets his new person on Wednesday and that the guy likes him.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


If you haven't watched any of the inauguration today, be sure to watch some tonight. It is the most amazing thing I think I have seen - the amount of people that turned out to watch Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States is seriously amazing. To think that any one event could bring millions of people to one place to celebrate shows how important of an event it really is.

I will always remember that I watched Barack Obama be sworn into office with Jack in my arms!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Here You Go, Jesika...

Going Somewhere With Baby

Well, I've learned that I can't just pick up and go anymore! Last week I wanted to go meet Charles for lunch in Dallas. The last time I tried to go somewhere it took me 4 HOURS to get ready - yes, 4 hours. Feed the baby, put baby in chair so I could change clothes, take baby out of chair because he's screaming, put him back in chair when he starts screaming and rock chair with foot while trying to apply mascara, take baby ou again because he's hungry and feed him, change his diaper, put him back in chair, take him back out because he's crying, put him back in and rock with foot while trying to use flat iron - basically repeat for abour four hours!
So anyway, this time I thought I would call my mother-in-law to come watch him while I got ready. She basically saved the day by coming over and I was able to get ready in (ready for this?) 30 minutes!! As soon as I left I fed him, changed him, put his outfit on, and then loaded him up into his car seat. I grabbed his diaper bag, the cell phone, my keys, a couple of blankets, and headed out the door. I had not closed the door behind me when I heard Jack spit-up. Not the kind of spit-up you can ignore, but full-on spit-up everywhere - all over his outfit, the car seat, and the blanket. Sigh. So I turned around, went back in and found another outfit. He pooped while I was chaning his outfit so I had to change his diaper. Then he was hungry again. We FINALLY got out the door, about 45 minutes after my mother in law had left.

We did make it to Dallas and had lunch with Charles and it was a great day - but I just wanted to share the difference between pre-baby lunches with the husband and after-baby lunches with the husband!

There are poducts out there that make things easier. See the sling below, my new favorite thing - it actually allows me to carry him and have two free hands. Happy baby, happy mama!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good News for Janga

Well, things are looking up for Janga - she's been let back into the house again! She is so grateful she hasn't even tried to get on the bed once...she just goes right to her chair and curls up. She's still a bit stinky, but NOTHING like she was a couple of days ago.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Poor Janga

Poor Janga. It's been hard enough being demoted from only child to dog status, but now she is locked in her crate in the garage! She was a naughty dog and ran off last night when I was feeding the horses and didn't return for about 45 minutes. When she did decide to come home, I immediately knew that someone was wrong by the way she slinked up to me and then flopped onto her back with her tail between her legs. And I was right - she REEKED of skunk. Yes, Janga was SKUNKED. Poor girl. As if that isn't bad enough, she knew that we'd be mad and then has to be locked in the garage! :(

It's got to be tough being a spoiled pet and having to adjust to life with a baby.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Jack Pictures!

Jack and his Papa

Tummy time! Jack loves Baby Einstein's "All About Cats."

Little Jack Bug after his bath.