Thursday, October 30, 2008

Horse Guilt

Well, it's getting closer! This picture was taken last week at about 31 weeks. Today I am about 32 weeks and 4 days (so far as they can tell). We had an appointment this morning with the doctor. Right now they are pretty routine but they are about to start happening a lot more frequently! What's crazy is that he could be born in 4 1/2 weeks and be full-term. YIKES! I am kind of hoping for another week or two to prepare. But...ask me if I still feel that way next month, I guess! He's sitting on my rib cage right now which is not the most comfortable thing I've ever experienced, so I can only imagine what it will feel like in another month when he's got another two pounds or so on him!

I am feeling a bit guilty since the horses have been so neglected the last few months. Hopefully when Jesika is here we can give them some love. I don't remember the last time I even brushed them, although I hav been trying to keep their stalls clean. Mo is so unsteady on his feet he makes me a bit nervous as it's harder for me to get out of the way these days. Maybe Jesika will hold him for me while I brush his mane and give him a good massage. He loves massages. Poor Mo, I know he falls down sometimes and/or runs into things because I have seen his injuries. He is such a good sport though and doesn't let it get him down.

Seamus misses the attention he used to get, I can tell. He stands by the gate every night and on the nights I actually feed (Charles is so helpful and always feeds if he gets home first or if I have to work late) he waits for me to scratch him and love on him a bit before going into his stall like the good boy that he is.

Norman is Norman. He comes when he wants to, is always the very last one to go into his stall, and sometimes goes into the other horse's stalls first (basically, he likes to pee in the tall grass that is in Mo and Seamus' runs so he goes in there to pee but that gets Mo and Seamus upset so it just turns into a big PITA). But he is a good boy and is going to be a great horse when he gets trained! Norman could REALLLLY use some mane and tail brushing. Hopefully Jesika will work on the dreadlocks that make up his tail when she's here!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Twinkie Helps Paint

Thank GOODNESS tomorrow is Saturday! Even though I have to go into work this weekend (busy season!), I am so relieved to be able to sleep in!
Charles is working like crazy in the baby's room. He's hoping to get most of it done tomorrow! I can't wait to see the finished product (we'll post pictures as soon as it's completed). There have been a few hurdles...mainly, Twinkie pulling down all of the plastic drop cloths that were taped to the wall and then Twinkie refusing to get out of the paint tray (see the picture for proof of this - and as you can tell she is not pleased that I was photographing her). But it is, after all, Twinkie, so what can you expect! I think she actually wants to help since she seems to love the baby already...she is on my belly EVERY SINGLE TIME I sit down for longer than three minutes!

We still have Ziggy; his home didn't work out. I sometimes am amazed at how lucky Janga is and even how lucky Ziggy is. Even though he is stuck in a dog run most of the time (albeit a big one that has enough room to actually run in), he gets out for walks and he gets two meals a day and clean water which is more than he has probably ever experienced.
Speaking of Ziggy, he was barking and barking the other night and finally Charles went ouside to see what it was all about (he is not one of those dogs who barks at nothing - the last time he was carrying on there was a turtle standing outside his run). Anyway, imagine Charles' surprise when he found a giant Copperhead tucked in next to Ziggy's doghouse. As Charles ran in to get the 22 (yes, to shoot it - they are poisonous and can kill someone!), he almost stepped on a big fat dead snake that was right outside our back door that we hadn't seen before!! I guess we need to trim the 7-foot tall weeds in the pasture behind our house as this is probably where they are coming from. Snake paradise.

And as far as pregnancy news goes, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going exactly as it should. Yay! :) Today my feet are so swollen though that I think they look like tube socks. I guess 13 hours in heels a half size too small will do that! shoes or flip flops tomorrow.
Happy Weekend!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jesika Looks Like a Giant in this Picture

I have a bunch of cute animal pictures but I'm having troubles with them on this computer, so here is a picture of Jesika that Charles took last month. She looks like a giant destroying some cliffs.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pets, Clean Stalls, and Apple-Bran Muffins

We'll start off with a picture of the potentially three most spoiled pets ever to walk the face of this planet. Dinah (front), Janga (back left enjoying both pillows ad the down comforter), and Twinkie (top right and enjoying not only the down comforter but also the freshly-dried laundry, which is always a big hit with both cats).

And you can see the tiny space wtih nothing on it towards the top where I was laying only moments before. The animals, of course, had much more room.

I was in bed resting my back for awhile because it was hurting pretty badly from the days activities. I started off taking Ziggy for a 40-minute walk (40 minutes is a long time when you are pregnant) and then cleaned the horses stalls and did about 8 loads of laundry. I was pretty tore-up from all of this!

But I didn't stop there. No siree. I also cleaned the entire house AND made myself dinner (ok, it came in a box and required about five minutes of perparation but did involve the oven!). While dinner was cooking I took things a step further and made apple-bran muffins (good carbs!).

It seems like I spend Saturday recuperating from my week and then Sunday I have all this crazy energy to get things done.

Charles was busy this weekend, too...he primed the walls and ceiling of the baby's room and we're very close to painting it!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cross Your Fingers!

Ziggy might have a home!!!

I Want to Go Back to Boston

Today I was thinking about the trip we took to Boston two years ago in November and I really wished we could go back. This picture is from the Farmer's Market we attended (where asparagus was, like, 4 bunches for $1). It was chilly, the city was just starting to put out some Christmas decorations here and there, and we had really good bagels before walking the Freedom Trail. I also had my first ever Cannoli (not sure if I am spelling that correctly...I'm talking about one of those crispy, creme-filled pastries).

I hope we can go back sometime soon!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Funny Toilet Picture

I just felt like posting something funny today. I have no idea where this picture came from, but I think Charles took it with his camera phone. And it is pretty funny.